Friday, May 17, 2013

DnDNext Eberron Changeling

As a Changeling, you have the following racial traits.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Constitution score increases by 1.
Size: Medium
Speed: 30 feet.
Organ Bypass: Once per day, when a critical hit is scored against you, you may choose for that attack to be resolved as a normal hit.
Minor Change Shape: As an action, you make yourself—but not  your clothing, armor, weapons, and equipment—look different.  You can become 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat, or in between. You must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs.  The spell lasts for 1 hour, unless you use your action to dismiss it sooner.  The effect lasts until you choose to take an action to change shape again.  If a changeling dies, they revert to their natural shape.  Anyone who observes you and succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom check becomes aware that you are disguised.  A creature under the effect of a True Seeing spell can detect that you are a changeling.
Natural Linguist: At 7th, 12th, and 17th level, instead of increasing your skill die or learning a new skill, you may instead learn to speak, read, and write two additional languages.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common, as well as a number of additional languages of your choice equal to your Intelligence modifier, provided it is positive.
Subrace: Choose a subrace. The two subraces of changelings presented here, passer and seeker, represent how a changelings’ personal views of their shape changing abilities affect how they practice and use those abilities.

Passers are changelings who wish to fit in with conventional society and live life in only one form or at the least suppress their shape changing abilities to better fit in with those around them.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Charisma score increases by 1.
One Life, Many Faces: After using your Minor Change Shape and resting for 8 hours in that form, only another changeling that succeeds a DC 20 Wisdom check or a creature under the effect of a True Seeing spell can detect that you are a changeling.  This ability lasts indefinitely or until you use Minor Change Shape again.

Seekers are proud of their shape changing ability and use it to their advantage whenever possible.  They prefer their natural form over any disguise.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Dexterity score increases by 1.
Double Jointed: You have advantage on ability checks to resist or escape being tied up, shackled, grabbed, or otherwise physically restrained.  You also have resistance to damage from falls or from being crushed by falling objects.

DnDNext Eberron Kalashtar

As a Kalashtar, you have the following racial traits.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30 feet.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Charisma score increases by 1.
Mindlink: You can telepathically communicate with any creature that has a spoken language.  The creature must be within 50 feet of you and you must be able to see the creature.  The creature cannot answer you telepathically.
Human Ancestry: You can choose to treat yourself as a human when selecting abilities such as feats.  You can also choose to be treated as human when you are targeted with an ability such as a spell.  You have advantage on all charisma checks made to appear human.
Soulknife: As part of an action, you can summon a weapon of psychic energy called a soulknife to appear in one or both hands.  A soulknife looks and functions very much like a short sword, but is made out of humming, faintly glowing psychic energy.  You are proficient with the soulknife.  A soulknife deals 1d6 piercing damage (plus any relevant ability modifier) and has the light, finesse, and thrown (20/60) properties.  A soulknife disappears after you let go of it or if you are disarmed, but remains in existence long enough to hit your target if you used it as a thrown weapon.
Dual Soul: You have advantage on ability checks made to resist being charmed, dominated, or frightened.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common.
Subrace: Choose a subrace.  The two subraces presented here represent the area of Eberron where you spent a large portion of your upbringing.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Intelligence score increases by 1.
Bonus Language: You can speak, read, and write Common, Riedran, and Quor.
Quori Menace: If an enemy deals psychic damage to you or succeeds on an ability check to charm, dominate, or frighten you, they automatically take 1d6+Int damage.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Wisdom score increases by 1.
Bonus Language: You can speak, read, and write Common and Quor.
Well Traveled Blade: When using your soulknife, if you have advantage on an attack roll or if you score a critical hit, you add your wisdom modifier to the damage roll.