Tuesday, April 9, 2013

DnDNext Eberron Warforged

As a Warforged, you have the following racial traits.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30 feet.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting constitution score increases by 1.
Composite Plating: Your AC increases by 1 even if you are wearing armor, under the effect of a spell such as mage armor, using an ability like wild shape, or have a class feature like the barbarian’s Thick Hide and the monk’s Thoughtful Defense.
Attached Weapon: You can wield an attached weapon.  This weapon is part of your body, either as part of your creation or as a choice later in your life.  This weapon takes the place of one of your hands and is an extension of your forearm.  An attached weapon may be any one handed weapon and functions the same as if you were wielding it in one hand.  You have proficiency with any attached weapon.  All attempts to disarm an attached weapon automatically fail. An attached weapon cannot be detached against your will, but you can spend one minute detaching or replacing an attached weapon if you wish.
Big, Good, Strong Hands: You have advantage on all checks to Break an Object.
Tireless Sentry: Warforged do not need to sleep. Instead, they stand or sit, motionless and quiet, for 4 hours a day.  You still have the ability to observe your surroundings without ending your rest period.  You may react to your surroundings if you feel it is necessary, but taking any actions ends your rest period.  After resting in this way, you gain the same benefit that a human does from 8 hours of sleep.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common.
Subrace: Choose a subrace.  Both the juggernaut and the vanguard were designed and constructed as machines of war, but filled different rolls in battle.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting strength score increases by 1.
Front Line Infantry: You gain Charge and Bull Rush as bonus feats.

Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting intelligence score increases by 1.
Arcane Warfare: You know one cantrip from any spell list.  This cantrip must be a spell that is offensive in nature and causes direct hit point damage.  You may choose intelligence, wisdom, or charisma as your magic ability for this cantrip.  This choice must be made at character creation and cannot be changed.

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