TraitsAs a Shifter, you have the following racial traits.
Size: Medium.
Speed: 30 feet.
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Dexterity score increases by 1.
Low-Light Vision: In dim light, you can see just as easily as if you were in bright light.
Fighting Instincts: You gain the Martial Arts feat. A shifter that takes a level in Monk may select a different Martial Feat in place of gaining Martial Arts as normal.
Beastly Movement: You have advantage on ability checks that involve Balance, Climb, and Jump.
Weretouched Ferocity: Twice per day, when you make a damage roll and get a result you dislike, you can reroll the damage and use either result.
Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common.
Subrace: Choose a subrace. You may have disdain for or revel in your lycanthropic heritage. Certain circumstances unleash an animalistic power within you.
Dreamsight Shifter
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Wisdom score increases by 1.
Blessing of the Moon: Hidden and invisible creatures do not gain advantage on attack rolls against you. If a hidden or invisible creature hits you with an attack, you gain advantage against them if you target them with your next attack roll.
Razorclaw Shifter
Ability Score Adjustment: Your starting Strength score increases by 1.
Lycanthropic Hands: When you make a melee attack, if you deal maximum damage on a normal attack roll or if you score a critical hit, you can make a single unarmed attack as part of that same action after the first attack is resolved. The second attack may target any creature within range.