Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am The TrashGoblin

Drawing inspiration from Chris Hardwick's "The Nerdist Podcast," (be careful, said podcast is not safe for mom) I have decided to stake claim to my corner of the internet.

My corner of the internet includes, but is not limited to:
-TrashGoblin is a brand you know, love, and respect.
-Commentary on how technology is cool and/or a waste of time.
-Why I hate things.
-Why I love things.
-Why I hate you.
-Why I hate you, even more.
-Will I ever actually take the plunge and try to make money at something I love doing?
-Am I just dumb or super dumb for taking so long to start using Google Reader?
-How do copyrights work? e.g. How can I stop Andy from claiming ownership rights to the term "TrashGoblin" when said term becomes a brand you know, love, and respect and he just wants to mooch off of my fame and popularity?
-How do copyrights work? e.g. How can I kick whatever losers stole the AIM and Skype handles from me for TrashGoblin in the legal balls?
-TrashGoblin is a brand you know, love, and respect; and a term I will teach my spell check to know, love, and respect.... stupid red, squiggly line of disrespect.

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