Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Don't You Want to Be a Sellout?

If you are an artist and you like money, boy, have I got a deal for you. In my effort to make my internet presence less borrowed and more Copyright 2011 Tobias Turner, I want to have an avatar that is uniquely mine and does not belong to anyone else and does not use someone else's intellectual property.

If you are a talented and experienced (or the opposite of those adjectives) internet avatar artist, email, IM, or tweet your submissions to me. I will pay you money in an amount that we can agree upon for an acceptable avatar and for the exclusive rights to use it. If I don't like your submission; I promise not to use it in any way, shape, or form. I also promise not to pay you for it.

Here are all of the fun ways you can try to contact me if you don't have my IRL contact info already.
Email  TheTrashGoblin@gmail.com
Twitter  twitter.com/TrashGoblin
AIM  TheTrashGoblin

Below are some pictures I'd enjoy using as avatars, but they belong to other people. Use them for inspiration if you wish. What's that? YOU own this image and you'd like to sign your rights away to me? I can live with that!

EDIT:  I have deleted the pictures.  This is because a lovely person from England made an avatar and sold it to me.  She is awesome and if I ever find myself in her part of the world, I will buy her a drink, or coffee, or tea or whatever token of appreciation she likes.  You can see her artwork by visiting http://minkee.co.uk/.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

I am The TrashGoblin

Drawing inspiration from Chris Hardwick's "The Nerdist Podcast," (be careful, said podcast is not safe for mom) I have decided to stake claim to my corner of the internet.

My corner of the internet includes, but is not limited to:
-TrashGoblin is a brand you know, love, and respect.
-Commentary on how technology is cool and/or a waste of time.
-Why I hate things.
-Why I love things.
-Why I hate you.
-Why I hate you, even more.
-Will I ever actually take the plunge and try to make money at something I love doing?
-Am I just dumb or super dumb for taking so long to start using Google Reader?
-How do copyrights work? e.g. How can I stop Andy from claiming ownership rights to the term "TrashGoblin" when said term becomes a brand you know, love, and respect and he just wants to mooch off of my fame and popularity?
-How do copyrights work? e.g. How can I kick whatever losers stole the AIM and Skype handles from me for TrashGoblin in the legal balls?
-TrashGoblin is a brand you know, love, and respect; and a term I will teach my spell check to know, love, and respect.... stupid red, squiggly line of disrespect.